Packing For A Volunteering Trip To Tanzania: All You Need To Know

The Only Travel Packing Checklist You Will Ever Need:

1. Clothing

When it comes to choosing clothing, tend to go for light, comfortable materials, and things that can layer if needed. Also tend to go for clothing that you are not too precious about. This way you can get dirty without feeling like you are at a total loss. Always make sure you have one nicer outfit, just in case you want to feel a bit more civilized and head out for a nice dinner or event. Otherwise, investing in a good quality compactable down jacket can be one of the best things . It’s lightweight and perfect for slightly colder temperatures.

  • 1 pair of jeans
  • 2 shorts
  • 1 lightweight trousers
  • 1 leggings
  • 5 t-shirts
  • 2 long sleeve t-shirts
  • 1 over shirt
  • 2 warm jumper
  • 1 PJs
  • 9 pairs of underwear
  • 5 pairs of socks
  • 1 swimsuit
  • 1 nice top (for nice dinners or occasions you want to look good)
  • 1 lightweight dress
  • 1 lightweight warm, compressible jacket


You find three pairs are plenty. Take one pair for lots of walking or more physical activities, one for relaxing, and one pair as a bridge between the two.

  • 1 pair of sandals or flip flops
  • 1 pair of sturdy close-toed shoes
  • 1 pair of casual shoes/trainers


Finally, microfiber towels are a must; again they are lightweight and even if your accommodation offers towels, they often don’t provide for pools or day trips (or they charge you to take one!).

  • 1 toothpaste
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 deodorant
  • 1 razor
  • 1 small bottle of shampoo/conditioner
  • 1 soap
  • Hair-ties (lots, as these seem to get eaten by the packing fairy!)
  • 1 small bottle moisturizer
  • 1 small dental floss
  • 1 small hairbrush
  • 1 small sun cream
  • 1 small nail clippers
  • 1 microfiber towel


  • Plasters of various sizes ( pretty accident prone!)
  • Antiseptic cream
  • A small bottle of sanitizer
  • Paracetamol/ibuprofen
  • Tweezers
  • Rehydration sachets
  • Insect repellent (if applicable)
  • Anti-malarial (if applicable)x